
Come take a trip with me on my wild ride as the mother of 3 sweet "babies".

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Blessing of Family

I am so blessed to live so close to the rest of my family.  Today was a great reminder of that.  I have been dealing with a horrible sinus infection that has taken days away from my life.  This has been the worst pain I have ever gone though.  I've been short with my daughters (which is entirely unfair to them), and pretty much worthless as a mother and wife because of the pain. 

Jerry has been insanely supportive and helpful for the past few days and has done pretty much all of the parenting while I was trying to recover.  Unfortunately, because yesterday and today were the two days before school starts in his brand new school, he couldn't be home to help.

I called my dad in tears this morning because I just couldn't function any more.  He dropped everything and came to my aid.  He entertained the girls, held Luke (who's teething AND getting over an ear infection), and he even changed a poopy diaper!  That's the blessing of family.  I am so grateful for my father - and the rest of my family.  It would take an eternity to list all of the things that my parents, Jerry's parents and our siblings have done to help us out over the years.  It truly takes a village - or at least a large family.