
Come take a trip with me on my wild ride as the mother of 3 sweet "babies".

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

SAHM? I think not!

For over 5 years now, on "mommy sites" like Cafe Mom, TheBump.com, and Circle of Moms, I have read numerous comparisons between working moms and stay-at-home moms (SAHM).  There are some pretty heated arguments on there about who's doing the right thing, who works harder, which is better, etc.  All I know is what works best for my family, and the answer is neither! I am a full-time mommy and a part time parent educator.  Add to that my "extra" titles like: Daisy Scout leader, Gym Mom, Dance Mom, Wife, Scrapper, Blogger, Caretaker, PTA member, Kindergarten Picture Wrangler (I made that title up, but it really is my job), Cook, Housekeeper, Taxi driver, Play-Date Organizer, Calendar Keeper, Event Planner (for our family, anyway), Bellaney Babycakes Founder/Creator/President, Baby Sing and Sign Instructor, etc.  I'm sure there are more in there that I'm forgetting.  

My life is crazy hectic with one kiddo in kindergarten 5 days a week, one in preschool  2 days a week, and another in Kids Day Out once a week.  For example, here was my day today:

  • 6:30 - wake up, take shower, get ready
  • 7:15 - entice the girls out of bed to get ready, eat breakfast, brush teeth, etc
  • 7:45 - drag the boy out of bed and dress him - breakfast on the go for this little man!
  • 7:55 - obligatory 1st day of preschool/KDO pictures in front of the front door
  • 8:00 - on the road
  • 8:25 - drop off Bella at Kindergarten
  • 8:45 - get gas so our day can continue without a tow truck involved
  • 9:00 - 1st day of school drop off for Luke and Laney -no tears, no drama (from the babies or their mama!)
  • 9:30 - meeting for me at work
  • 11:45 - pick up Bella from Kindergarten
  • 12:00 - meet my parents at Chick-Fil-A for a special lunch w/ Bella (followed by Cold Stone - yummy!)
  • 1:50 - stop by Marshall's to pick up a much-needed jacket and socks for Bella (who knew fall would come so soon?!)
  • 2:30 - pick up the little ones after a successful first day!
  • 3:00 - stop by Jerry's school to visit before he has to supervise the stadium for soccer
  • 5:00 - write this blog! - and then make dinner
  • 7:00 - bed time for the little bugs.
  • 8:00 - wine-d down time for mommy!  (I would actually be at a Girl Scout Leader meeting if Jerry wasn't working.  I'm okay with knocking something off the list for today!)
  • 10:00 - go to bed, so I can manage the craziness tomorrow!

With all of that on my plate, I figured I needed a new label.  I don't quite fit in as a SAHM, and since I don't work full time out of the house, I'm not really a working mom, either.  Here are my suggestions for moms like me who are in limbo looking for a collective name.  

AOTPM (All Over The Place Mom)
ABHM (Anywhere But Home Mom)
OOTTM (Out On The Town Mom)
Or maybe the winner...

RALACWIHCOM (Running Around Like A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off Mom)