
Come take a trip with me on my wild ride as the mother of 3 sweet "babies".

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Family Day!

We had a wonderful, fun-filled family day today!  We all went to Bella's gymnastics class in the morning, and then we went to My Gym's open house.  All the kids had a blast - even Luke!  After all that gym play, we were super-hungry, so we hit up the buffet at Cici's.  I had 3 cinnamon rolls - and I do NOT feel guilty.  They are too good to feel bad about! 

At home, I spent the afternoon doing laundry and sorting clothes for our upcoming garage sale while Jerry and the kids watched the Huskers. Sadly, we got home too late for the K-State game.   

Jerry mowed the forest... err... lawn, and then we all played outside after dinner.  Bella decided to get out the bat and ball and play with Jerry.  She surprised us by hitting the ball no less than 4 times!  Didn't know we had such a little softball player on our hands!  Hmmm...  Jerry was super excited and then proceeded to teach her to throw, as well, and then they moved on to soccer.  I think his favorite part of being a dad is finally starting.  He's been waiting for this moment for 4 1/2 years!

Late to bed tonight, but totally worth it after a great day.  The kids sacked out FAST.  I may even go to bed early myself. *gasp!*

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just Call me Mrs. Cleaver - or Not

Not feeling entirely motivated today, but there is SO much to do.  I'm completely behind on laundry, need to do some more dishes (always), the living room is littered with clothes and toys (the clothes are my fault - getting ready for a garage sale), and I need to get out my Baby Sing and Sign info and make sure I'm ready for my first class that I'm teaching in a few weeks. 

BUT... I did get some work done at the office today that needed to be done, and I baked cookies!  Yes, they were the break-them-off-and-place-them-on-the-sheet cookies, but the kids were able to help and had fun.  Plus, I have been doing pretty good on my Daily 7 today - made my bed, cleaned a bathroom, have been picking up after myself, and have been doing dishes like crazy (we were behind on those, too).  I guess that just leaves laundry and our 10 min cleanup before bed to do to complete the D7!  That does actually make me feel a bit better. 

Thanks to my dad coming over, I was able to get out to the grocery store (all by myself - YAY!) and pick up some food essentials - we were behind on grocery shopping, too. 


I so wish I was one of those perfectionist people who keep their houses neat as a pin and are mega-organized.  I promise that I DO like it when our house is clean and organized - I just don't like doing it.  I so want to be Mrs. Cleaver and cook full meals from scratch, keep the house tidy and look amazing every day (in heels, no less), but that's not me.  That, and I'd have to call one of my kids "Beaver", and I just can't do that.  Poor Luke gets called "Bubba," and that's bad enough.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekly Schedule

So, I'm thinking I need to have some sort of weekly routine.  Again, inspired by Stephanie O'Dea from the Totally Together Journal!  She blogged today about her weekly schedule / routine, and I tweaked hers a bit to make it work for my regular schedule already in place.  I'm sure mine will change a bit as our needs change, but for now... here it is:

  • Check food supply
  • Run errands if needed

  • Weekend recovery (only because on Mondays I'm too tired!)
  • Work Day

  • Dust, Vacuum, Mop

  • Fun Day! (everyone needs a fun day, right? - playdate time!)
  • Catch up day

  • Pay bills
  • clean off desk
  • more catch up
  • Family Night!

  • Yard work
  • Punch List Items (projects around the house - like cleaning out that front hall closet)
  • Family Meeting / Make meal plan for the week
I'm not always good at sticking to lists, but at least having a guideline means that I sometimes will - and that's better than nothing!

Monday, September 13, 2010


First day pics!  Laney's from today,
and Bella's from last Wednesday

Today is Delaney's very first day of Tiny Tots (preschool for the 2-ish crowd).  This starts Bella's 2nd week of Pre-K.  Laney was super excited when talking about it last night.  When we got up this morning, got dressed, put piggies in, got into the car... all of it very exciting.  When we got to school, we promptly had to get pictures taken for the kids (picture day was today, as well), and then back into the school to get started.  My usually brave little girl didn't want to let go of my hand!  I couldn't believe it!  However, when Mrs. O'Dell started to talk to her and took her by the hand, she felt more at ease. 

Let's go Mommy!
Finding just the right spot for her backpack
No tears!

What a big girl I am!  :)  OK, well Delaney didn't cry, either.  When I left, she was happily playing with her friends.  Bella's an old pro now, and I didn't even have to walk her into her classroom.  She said goodbye in the hallway.  At least Luke still needs me!
Off to school!